Positive thoughts are contagious like organisms.. They have distinct characteristics that can effect our mood, influence our behavior, and multiply on their own, to take on a life of their own.. The more potent a thought is, the more it seems to repeat itself in our mind throughout the day.. The microorganisms that govern our mood and behavior require a certain balance in order to maintain our health... We may even take probiotic supplements, and eat certain foods, to ensure that we have the right balance of bacteria in our system.. Similarly, we need to have the right mix of positive thoughts in our mind to ensure a healthy psyche.. By reading positive thoughts and ideas, we can bring a more positive and expansive mindset into our lives.. When we are able to shift our inner awareness to serving or helping others, and when you make this the central focus of your life, you will then be in a position to know true miracles in your progress toward prosperity.. All the great religions and philosophies have emphasized the importance of kindness and helping less fortunate people.. These thoughts, by some of the greatest teachers of compassion and kindness in the world, can inspire us to extend that attitude to our work and personal lives.. Kindness in words creates confidence.. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.. Kindness in giving creates love... Enjoy a day filled with kindness and love
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Sunday, 9 December 2018
Longish thoughts for this beautiful day.. No matter what happens in life, be the person with a golden heart, a heart of patience and trust.. Never ever let the darkness of this world harden your heart.. Do not focus on who let you down or made your days dark, but appreciate and be grateful for those who lifted you up and made you realize that the sun shines brightly.. With the spiraling whirl of the approaching New Year… here we are almost through to the Holiday celebrations turning to New Year aspirations. Aspirations and intentions turning to a steady, busy stream of life.. Today, I invite you to stop and check-in with the fire that burns within you.. Is it burning brightly or is it getting dimmed by the crazy gusts of life ?.. It matters because I see so many people getting caught up in the day-to-day rhythm of numbing monotony.. Living busy lives.. Balancing work, family, working crazy long hours and rarely turning off the noise in life.. The outer noise is always on with little to no time for self-care.. Not tending to our inner consciousness leads to a feeling of being stuck and bored and developing a "I don’t really care attitude".. When you find time to delve into your inner consciousness every day, you will experience a vibrant, happy and full life.. Your energy levels will rise, amazing doors will open and opportunities will flourish.. Suddenly the right people show up in your life at just the right moment.. You will start firing on all cylinders.. Adding fuel to your inner fire will transform your life in 2019 !! Take time to reconnect to the very essence of who you really are – at an intimate level !! Shine a light on your strengths and talents, your passions and values.. Understand what moves you at the heart-level and make time for this in your life.. verbalize what you’re great at – and align important life decisions to your essence.. You will breakthrough ceilings, see new opportunities that weren’t there earlier and you will feel amazingly alive.. Go back to your roots to analyze where you felt on fire and all was right in your world.. Identify the essence that showed up in that.. Consider how your strengths, talents and passions might shape your future decisions.. Treat your body like the temple it is.. You are no good to anyone, if you are not nurturing your body first.. Right foods, right exercise, right amount of time to nourish your soul.. Find time for yourself.. And when you treat your body right, acknowledge that you are nurturing your body with love.. Celebrate that your body feels lighter and more energetic when you move.. Give your inner voice a place to play.. When things aren’t flowing just right for us, our hearts know.. We get signs in our dreams, our conversations, our gut.. We merely need to provide an outlet for discovery.. Get artsy even if you think you’re not.. Meditate. Sit in nature and observe.. Listen to the messages that rise to the top.. Find a friend who will cheer you.. with loving support.. In this soul-jumping we will find the light that wants to come to life.. You’ll restart dreaming big, tuning into your gifts and all that your heart wants you to know !! My wish for you is that your inner fire stays alive and well every single day of your life.. Your Countdown to your own positive vibrancy starts now !!
Positive thoughts for the weekend.. Gandhiji had said that one should carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words.. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions.. Consider and judge your actions, for they become your habits.. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values.. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny... Whatever the mind can conceive and believe in, can actually come true.. When we think inspirational thoughts we will certainly experience positive results in our life.. There are many inspirational thoughts that can cause us to reflect deeply and they can actually change the way we live our life.. Our thkughts have tremendous and unlimited potential to, directly or indirectly, make us feel empowered, uplifted and hopeful.. If you really appreciated how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.. So never permit negative thoughts to enter your mind, for they are like weeds that strangle confidence.. Abundance begins with your mind-set.. If you allow less than intensely beautiful thoughts, that lack will be reflected in the way your life pans out.. The world as we have created it, is a process of our thinking.. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.. A simple thought -seemingly trivial or even unimportant - carries within it the power to move mountains.. So try to enjoy thinking positively under all circumstances for every positive thought enriches and makes your life even more beautiful
Saturday, 1 December 2018
A Deadly Frozen Night (A True Story).. There was a Jewish man named Yankel, who had a bakery, in a town, Crown Heights, Germany.. He always said, "You know why I’m alive today?".. He said "I was a kid, just a teenager at the time in Germany when the Nazis were killing Jews with no mercy.. We were on the train being taken to Auschwitz by Nazis. Night came and it was deathly cold in that compartment.. The had Germans left us on the side of the tracks overnight, sometimes for days, without any food.. There were no blankets to keep us warm.. Snow was falling everywhere.. Cold winds were hitting our cheeks, every second.. We were hundreds of people in that terribly cold night. No food.. No water.. No shelter. No blankets.. The blood in our bodies started freezing.. It was becoming ice.. Beside me, there was a beloved elderly Jewish man from my hometown.. He was shivering from head to toe, and looked terrible.. So I wrapped my arms around him to warm him up.. I hugged him tightly to give him some heat.. I rubbed his arms, his legs, his face, his neck.. I begged him to try to be alive..I encouraged him.. All night long, I kept this man warm this way... I was tired, and freezing cold myself.. My fingers were numb, but I didn’t stop rubbing heat into that old man’s body.. Hours and hours went by.. Finally, morning came and the sun began to shine.. I looked around to see the other people.. To my horror, all I could see were frozen bodies.. All I could hear was deathly silence.. Nobody else in that cabin were alive.. That freezing night killed them all.. They died from the cold.. Only two people survived: the old man and me.. The old man survived because I had kept him warm..and I survived because I was warming him.. May I tell you the secret to survival in this world?.. When you warm other people’s hearts, you will remain warm yourself.. When you support, encourage and inspire others, then you will discover support, encouragement and inspiration in your own life as well... My friends, That is the secret to a happy life..". "When you are good to others you are good to yourself.. When you make people happy, people will make you happy".. The happiest people in life are the givers and not the getters.. There are a rare breed of people who are always intense, who believe in the beauty of life and the power of unconditional love.. People like YOU, who will always keep their word, they give their everything when they are required to do anything for others, they will go the extra mile for almost everyone and certainly without a doubt for those they care about.. These people hardly ever receive the same passion, love or response in return, even from the very people who have been beneficiaries of their graciousness and love.. Yet these givers never change and always will give it their everything, hoping that one day, maybe, that they will find more people who are as rare as them, who will be unconditional givers, as fiercely and with as much devotion and intensity as them.. To all the unconditional givers, forgivers and selfless people out there in this world, keep being beautiful and don't let the coldness of some in the world change you.. The goodness you radiate is akin to drops of Amrit into the sea of humanity.. So please take advantage of every little moment that you are given, as a blessing and make the world as beautiful as you are
Sunday, 25 November 2018
Positive thoughts for the day.. My personal opinion is that a happy life is not about luck.. It is about energy, our own personal energy, our ability to attract into our life that which we manifest, that which we deserve and feel worthy of.. Our thoughts are the start point to herald in more positive energy and happiness into our life.. Our thoughts will get better and everything will change automatically, if we learn how to feed our thoughts with positive energy.. Unfortunately, most people have learned to do the opposite: they feed their thoughts with negativity all the time.. But, that is something we can change and make better.. I am the owner of my mind and thoughts.. Only I can control my thoughts.. Only I can program my mind to have positive thoughts always.. I can do the opposite too.. If my mind is full of negative thoughts, they bother me all the time.. But I can change them very easily.. The negative thoughts have been there for so many years.. I am used to them.. They come, get amplified and duplicated on their own, because I have allowed them to do that.. So why not generate positive thoughts instead of the negative? Keep in mind that if I pay attention to anything, I make it stronger.. If I pay attention to pains and problems, I make the pain stronger and enable them to control me and my life.. Instead, if I paid more attention to good and pleasant things.. It is more meaningful never to talk about our pains.. Always say that you feel great.. Always say you are very well and will get better every second.. Believe me when I say that you can defeat even the greatest problems and serious illnesses with this outlook.. Just try it.. It is free.. Nobody is going to charge you for the positive thoughts you generate in your mind.. And when you reach this level of mind control, you will realize the phenomenal benefit it brings into your life.. So, replace all your thoughts with positive thoughts and enjoy radiating positive energy..
Thoughts for the day.. There are people who are unhappy with themselves, their lives and their achievements simply because they have been focusing only on all the negatives.. Focus on all the treasures that you have been blessed with in life.. Every minute of your life is a gift.. Your parents who gave you the best possible education and values which makes you what you are today, is a gift.. Children who are healthy and doing well in whatever their calling is, is a gift.. There is absolutely no point in focusing attention on what your life lacks.. for show me one person in this Universe who has everything going their own way.. One of the key ingredients for a happier life is exercising more control over your own thoughts.. Psychologists have estimated that we have over 60,000 thoughts a day—with 95 to 99 percent of those thoughts repeated.. Because of this repetition, we end up overanalyzing and becoming hooked into a fearful loop of thoughts that not only block us from the experience of peace, but also the true nature of real life.. Every time your mind starts to wander towards anything that is negative, turn each thought over and reach for a higher, more positive and loving perspective—one thought at a time.. Suppose you are stressed because your boss comes to work in a bad mood and picks on your work.. Instead of veering into crazy town immediately, reach for a positive perspective.. Your next thought can be something like: “I know that my boss might be in a bad mood, but it’s probably his own personal problems manifesting on me.. I’m going to send positive thoughts to my boss so that he can release his own negativity.. I trust that my positive attitude and empowering approach to life will help me focus on my work rather than the attitude of my boss.. I know I’m a great worker and that people love to be around me.. I feel confident in my skills and I trust in my credentials.. My job is secure. I am at peace. All is well.”.. Every time your mind starts to wander toward negativity, turn each thought over and reach for a higher, more loving perspective.. Although this process might not feel natural at first, and isn't as easy as it sounds, this habit of thinking positive is significantly more constructive and can change your entire life experiences.. As you shift your thoughts from negative to positive, your energy levels will rise, and your life will attract more desirable experiences.. Trust in the power of your thoughts and take them very seriously.. In less than one minute, you can think your way out of stress and back to love—practice this exercise whenever you catch fear or negativity sneaking into you.. Confidence in yourself and the ability to control your thoughts is like achieving super power status.. Enjoy your beautiful life with positive energy and happiness
Friday, 31 August 2018
Thoughts for this fabulous day.. I found this message beautiful to the core.. If you ever find yourself in love with someone, who does not love you, be gentle with yourself as well as your thoughts on that person.. Remember love is always inside everyone of us.. There is nothing wrong with you.. Love just didn’t choose to rest in the other person’s heart.. If you find someone in love with you and you don’t love him/her, feel honored that love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return.. Do not take advantage, do not cause pain.. How you deal with love is how you deal with yourself, and all our hearts feel the same pain and joys, even if our lives and ways are different.. If you fall in love with another person, and he/she falls in love with you, and then that love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim that love or to assess blame.. Simply let it go.. There is a reason and there is a meaning.. You will know it in time.. Remember that you don’t choose love from another person.. Love chooses you.. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life.. Feel the way it fills you up and then as it overflows from your heart, then reach out and give it away.. Give it back to the person who brought it alive in you.. Give it to others who deem it poor in spirit.. Give it to the world around you in any way you can.. That is where many lovers go wrong.. Having been so long without love, they understand love only as a need.. They see their hearts as empty places that needs to be filled by love, and they begin to look at love as something that flows to them rather than as something within them.. The first blush of new love is filled to overflowing, but as their love cools, they revert to seeing their love as a personal need.. They cease to be someone who generates love and instead become someone who seeks love.. They forget that the secret of love is that it is a gift, and that it can be made to grow only by giving it away.. Remember this, and keep it to your heart.. Love has its own time, its own seasons, and its own reason for coming and going.. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying with you.. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you.. But if it chooses to leave from the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and there is nothing you should do.. Be graceful in love.. Love always has been and always will remain a mystery.. Be glad that it came into your life, even if only for a moment.. Remember that love always resides within you and if you build up that self love within yourself and then spread this love into the world around you, you will never be short of love, happiness or positive energy in life
Friday, 17 August 2018
Inspiring Thoughts for this fantastic day.. When I woke up this morning and watched the sun slowly rise and cast its golden glow upon the earth, I was spellbound as I wondered what the sun receives from anyone of us in return for the light and warmth it spreads.. The simple answer is Absolutely nothing ZILCH.. Despite that, the sun consistently continues its work on a daily basis, to supply us with precious sunlight which is the key ingredient necessary to grow plants and trees and sustain life.. I want to take this analogy forward to the beautiful life each one of us leads.. Yes, each and every one of us is blessed with a fantastic life.. Yes, in this life we have also been through rough patches and inherited a few scars in the process.. Indeed, some of these scars still hurt and cause a knot in the pits of your heart every time you even think of it .. But my honest submission is that we must focus on all the lovely things this life has blessed us with, focus on only the positives and use the pain we have experienced in our past as beautiful experiences gifted to us to create hope for those still experiencing pain.. We have all been blessed with the strength to breathe, to transform our thoughts and make the next moment a fabulously new moment.. So allow your free spirit to shine bright especially on the gloomiest of days, when you or others experience dark clouds of self doubt or disappointment.. We must sow and spread the seeds of positivity and unconditional love, far and wide, for beneath the facade of external beauty and prosperity that many flaunt, many human beings are starved of kindness and love.. THIS is the message I wish to convey across to the world, every day.. I can only hope that the drop in the ocean effect that I guess I am generating through this message will resonate in the way it is intended to, and each one of us will help the spread of goodness, happiness and unconditional love, with absolutely no expectation of receiving anything in return.. THANK YOU for reading my message and spreading goodness.. YOU are indeed unique and beautiful and may you be blessed always
Saturday, 28 July 2018
Thoughts for the weekend... Each one of us experience negative situations in our life... Are we going to allow these negative situations to rule us.. Negativity emerges from behaviour you see in others, the words they say and actions you do yourself.. The key thing about negative vibes, unfortunately is that they have a habit of travelling around rapidly.. If you’re feeling negative, then when you come into contact with other people, your negativity will pass onto them.. It's a subconscious process.. Likewise, when people around you are harbouring ill will, it can potentially affect you and others.. If you’re finding yourself always being negative or seeing negativity in others, my sincere advice is that YOU have to take immediate action.. Please never allow other’s negativity to spread to you.. If you find other people in your daily environment are bringing down your energy levels, make a conscious decision to not allow them to change the way you’re feeling.. Sometimes this can be difficult, especially if you’re constantly in contact with a person who is negative.. However, you can still choose not to allow that person’s emotions to project onto you.. One way I have found successful is that I imagine myself in a really nurturing and beautiful environment every time I am in the presence of such a negative person.. Taking a piece of your favourite chocolate and savouring its sweet taste either before or after your interaction is yet another way to enhance your own positive energies.. The key to all your positive energy is YOU.. So say a big “no” to allowing the vibes of anyone else attempting to enter into your personal space.. This is the first step to your happiness... Encourage positive action in your life.. This could involve working on your confidence, exercising regularly to keep your blood circulation going, helping other people improve their lives and abilities, reading inspirational books and news stories, and having cheerful and positive interactions with others.. Simply keep your mind and thoughts away from negativity associated with a person or events.. Wherever possible, stay away from negativity altogether.. This could involve keeping away from people whom you feel focus only on the negative, refraining from watching certain types of TV programs (especially soaps which revel in spreading negative family situations).. Life cannot always be a bed of roses.. It is healthy to live and enjoy the roller coaster that life throws at you.. Facing problems is inevitable in life.. A particular problem might be in your personal or professional setting.. However, rather than dwelling on the problem for too long, which can lead to you feeling negative, focus instead on answers and solutions.. Your own attitude dictates whether you are happy.. If you are unhappy with your life, and the environment you live in, change your attitude to the way you see the world.. Focus on all the good things that has happened in your life.. Even if you have just one positive thing going for you in your life, focus on it.. Make it a habit to look only for the positives in others.. Expand the horizon of your thinking.. If you find yourself constantly focusing on the negative aspects of your life.. Write down the moments when you allowed your thoughts to move away from positive and enriching thoughts.. You will initially be surprised how soon the pages of your scrapbook fills up.. But that is the start point.. It teaches you that you are the one who controls your thoughts.. It gives you ideas that it is good to think beyond your problems that are taking up your attention.. Make it your personal habit to smile or think of some funny joke even when burdened by worries.. Even if you cannot think of something funny in order to smile, you can engineer good feelings inside you by just smiling !!!! If you don’t smile often, then get into the habit of doing so.. Give a broad smile when you see and greet people.. Not only will you feel cheerful, but your positive vibes will transmit to others too.. Although there is a lot you can do to ensure you have lots of more positive experiences, there will inevitably be difficult times which drains you.. Challenges like these should be treated as opportunities which help to ground you and the experiences you gain makes you savour your strengths and positives even more.. Just become more dissociated from any negativity that might emerge through the unpleasant experiences.. My friends, it’s all over to you.. To your inherently positive and creative life my best wishes and love
Friday, 27 July 2018
A real beautiful thought to ruminate this fabulous day...The world is mine..Today while travelling on the bus I saw a lovely girl with silken hair....I haven't seen a woman more beautiful as her..she seemed so gay and I wished I could be like her.. Radiant and beautiful.. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the isle on her crutches for she had just one leg.. As she passed me she looked at me and radiated a fabulous smile.. God, forgive me when I ever complain.. I have two legs, the world is mine.. But I learned the lesson from her that a person can be radiant and gay even with one leg.. I stopped to buy some sweets.. The lad who sold them had such charm.. I talked with him, he seemed so calm, and if I were to get late it felt it would do no harm..as I left he told me “I thank you, you have been so kind”..It’s nice to talk with folks like you.. You see, I’m blind.. God forgive me when I complain.. I have two eyes, the world is mine.. Later walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue.. He stood and watched the others play; it seemed he knew not what to do.. I stopped a moment, then I said, why don’t you join the others dear”.. He continued to look ahead without a word, and then I knew he could not hear.. God forgive me when I complain....I have two ears, the world is mine....With legs to take me where I’ll go....With eyes to see the sunsets glow....With ears to ear what I would know....God forgive me when I whine...I’m blessed, indeed, this world is beautiful and mine
- This is a longish post to fill your day with enthusiasm and positive energy.. What we are is the result of the thoughts we focus on and allow to remain in our minds..The mind is indeed everything. What we think we become said Buddha.... You experience and create all kinds of different energies that constantly surround you, affect how you feel and what you accomplish throughout your day.. This energy is anything that invokes a reaction inside of you.. Energy comes to us in different forms.. The chair you’re sitting on, the music you’re listening to, the book you just finished reading, all provoke some sort of reaction within you.. Some energies are powerful and easily recognizable, while others may be more subtle and often only intuitively felt.. I believe it is fair to say that every single thing on this Universe is, in a sense, energy.. The things you say, the things you think, the things you do— even some of the things you don’t do — all produce energy that impacts you.. Since, all energy produces its own energy fields, it impacts the people around you.. If you work on creating more positive energy, you’ll experience improvement in every facet of your life and you’ll touch more lives than you thought possible.. Take music, for example.. How does listening to your favorite song make you feel? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, dig into your iTunes right now and put on a song you simply adore.. Take a break from reading this, close your eyes as you listen to the song, and see what you feel.. Music is one of the most powerful and recognizable forms of energy, which is perhaps why it is grounded in so many sacred traditions.. A powerful musician can create the same sensation in many different people.. Music is the easiest way to shift your energy levels quickly to what is needed.. Athletes often listen to certain songs before games to help chanelize adrenaline; artists listen to music to help get their creative juices flowing; and many writers write with the help from music.. While music is the easiest way to understand this concept, it is definitely not the only way to become energized... Every morning when I wake up I fling the curtains open and let the sun flood into the room.. This is a great way to become energized first thing in the morning.. I don’t let rain sap my energy, though.. If it’s raining, I try to be fully aware of the beauty of the rain and it's importance as a source of water, before me, so it becomes a positive influence, as well.. follow the path of a few raindrops down the window or watch the ripples form in a puddle.. Either way, you will be fully present in the moment, which is the most important thing if you want to feel energy in a positive way.. When you are here and now, everything is beautiful energy !!! Make a list of all the things that makes you feel great and use it as a guide as you learn to become energized from a wider variety of things.. If being in nature is something that energizes you, try spending a little more time outdoors.. If the sun energizes you, there is a good chance that outdoors will rejuvenate you.. Some of the things that bring positive energy into my life are Yoga, Meditating, Creative writing, Keeping a dream journal, Reading, Focusing on gratitude.. It's all individual.. Positive energy is simply awesome and contagious.. When you constantly take in positive energy from your surroundings, it will be visible in YOUR outer world and your outlook.. You will feel yourself radiating beautiful energy in everything you do... Everyone will recognize it.. Everyone loves being around a person who exudes positive energy, for they feed off his/her energy in recharging themselves.. To make room for the positive energy available in this moment, you’ll need to release all the negative energy you’re holding onto from the past — be it distant or recent.. This may sound like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t need to be, if you simply focus solely on the beautiful moment now and ask yourself: What is it that I see in front of me that makes me feel good.. And then simply focus on it.. if I don’t see anything that provides that feeling, simply create it by focusing on things that do.. A lot of people think of energy in pure spiritual terms, like the divine energy of Christ, Buddha, or Krishna.. It isn’t necessarily an other worldly concept.. It’s something we all create in our day-to-day activities.. If you learn to fully appreciate this moment fully, you will see that YOU - YES, YOU have THE PROFOUND POWER to manifest positive feelings within— to create divinely inspired energy, that impacts everything and everyone around you.. In this way, we play a much larger part in the bigger picture than we realize.. Cheers to your lovely day of building your own positive energy and spreading it unconditionally into the Universe around you
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Thoughts to inspire you on this beautiful journey called LIFE... Yesterday is no longer ours; the past is gone from this moment in time..What the future holds is not in our hands and hence it should not be empowered with worry or distress, as it only causes frustration at best.. Be mindful of your INNER VOICE, all the thoughts that cross your mind, guiding us each moment to a state of love, peace and joy.. When you are centered and mindful of all the POSITIVE and uplifting thoughts that are happening, your INNER VOICE will lead you to places, people and moments beyond what you have even dreamed of.. Be in that state of love today, present to all that is happening, open to the emotions and feelings that run through you so easily.. What is coming to you shall ALWAYS be better than what you have experienced so far.. Each moment of your life is a picture
which you had never seen before and you shall never see again so make every moment special.. You are always guided, supported and loved in your journey.. Remember that there will be other thoughts too - the negative ones trying to put you down or belittling your abilities.. When you do something beautiful fpr others and are not appreciated, never allow the negativity of the situation to impact your positivity.. Remember that the sun rises every morning and radiates it's brightness into the world around, but how many of us are thankful to the sun.. So allow these negative thoughts to pass by, for they are not meant to be for you or energised by you.. Do not be upset when people remember you only in their darkest times.. Be privileged to be considered as a candle to illuminate the darkest days of others.. This small habit change of remaining positive in your outlook will cause a fantastic transformation in your own attitude towards everything that you experience.. You are wished the most beautiful, centered, spectacular today where you experience positive energy, happiness and joy beyond compare in everything you do..
which you had never seen before and you shall never see again so make every moment special.. You are always guided, supported and loved in your journey.. Remember that there will be other thoughts too - the negative ones trying to put you down or belittling your abilities.. When you do something beautiful fpr others and are not appreciated, never allow the negativity of the situation to impact your positivity.. Remember that the sun rises every morning and radiates it's brightness into the world around, but how many of us are thankful to the sun.. So allow these negative thoughts to pass by, for they are not meant to be for you or energised by you.. Do not be upset when people remember you only in their darkest times.. Be privileged to be considered as a candle to illuminate the darkest days of others.. This small habit change of remaining positive in your outlook will cause a fantastic transformation in your own attitude towards everything that you experience.. You are wished the most beautiful, centered, spectacular today where you experience positive energy, happiness and joy beyond compare in everything you do..
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Remember that in life you are never all alone... Just when you think you are, God sends an angel your way to remind you that he always holds your hand when you need him the most.. Praise each day for it truly is a gift from God.. Even if you do it only once in your lifetime, do make it a point to watch the sunrise at a beach.. I guarantee you that it will indeed be an experience of a lifetime that you will never forget.. Never EVER lose hope.. It's difficult not to lose hope when you feel like you are drowning but that's what focussed people do.. They get over the feeling of feeling sorry for themselves pretty quickly and immerse themselves in doing something really creative and positive.. For example you can create a monthly newsletter reminding others of the importance of remaining positive irrespective of the hurt and pain they may be going through..If you are creative perhaps start an art class for others.. Sing, Sing, Sing. Sing in the shower. Turn up the dial on the radio or your Itunes player and sing along. It does not matter if you think you cannot sing or you feel that your voice is just a wee bit hoarse.. simply sing along anyway.. If your kids or your spouse make fun of your singing, sing even louder! Scientific research has shown that singing can boost your immune system.. Laugh and smile every day.. that sounds too long ?!!...just try and smile every five minutes, if you remember to do so.. Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are really far-reaching.. I admit, that I may have a quirky sense of humor.. Perhaps, some may even call it a cynical sense of humour.. Cannot change others opinion of you - can you.. So why brow-beat on what others feel about you, when you are confident about yourself and are sure that you will not be affected by what others say about you..Your spouse, your kids, your family and friends may not understand why you are smiling or laughing..and maybe the only one who understands your smile is you, yourself.. BUT remember.. always laugh at yourself.. and never ever make the mistake of laughing at others..Be courteous, always.. Open the doors for others whether man or woman.. Say "thank you" and "you are welcome" even if they don't say it to you.. Smile at strangers.. You probably just made his or her day.. Try never to ignore the homeless or those less fortunate than you.. If you can sponsor a meal for those less fortunate than you, on your birthday or on your anniversary.. Imagine how many beautiful hearts and souls would genuinely be thankful for your gesture.. this would certainly cost you less than a fancy meal at a five star restaurant anyway.. Remember, always respect the elderly.. They were here before you.. Whether you like it or not, they certainly do know better or atleast have greater experience in living life without all the luxuries.. It's OK to get old.. One day we may all become physically old but do remain young at heart.. So go get on that swing, watch cartoons, blow bubbles, neck in the car, and stop imagining that you are aged !!! Why you could even run the half marathon or take your dream cruise or even bungee jump (provided you have the stomach for it) !!!! So go on Live your life on your terms - enjoy your PRESENT - YOUR GIFT OF TODAY...FOR YOU ARE INDEED SPECIAL and DESERVE THE BEST - if you think otherwise, please read my earlier posts.... Its all within you to make your own life positive, meaningful and filled with unconditional love.. DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU !!!!! ENJOY A BEAUTIFUL DAY AND AN INSPIRING LIFE...
Monday, 23 July 2018
Your good health does not necessarily come from a good hospital, doctor or the medicines you take.. Most of the time it comes from peace of your mind, peace in your heart and peace of your soul.. It comes from laughter, love and inner happiness.. Your inner happiness is created within you, when YOU condition YOUR MIND to ALWAYS FOCUS on all the positives you have been blessed with; focus on the good in others all the time; and think of doing good things for others who simply have no means to reciprocate your kindness.. Never ever place the keys to your inner happiness in the hands of anyone else or base it on achievement of any specific goals.. Do love people but never allow the reciprocation of this love to dictate how good you feel.. Set goals for yourself but that should dictate how much you focus... If someone treats you badly or you find one of your goals difficult to achieve, your world should not come crashing down... No one else can be responsible for your happiness other than YOU.... Live every day in the most wonderful manner thinking that it will be a fantastic day and live a life of meaning filled with unconditional joy, love for yourself, happiness and great health
This life is simply far more beautiful if YOU, yes YOU believed it to be so... Nothing in life is worth more than your true inner every day happiness... Your best clothes may be considered as rags by others.. Your bank account balance will not be able to assure your good health always.. Your partner may not share the same intensity as you, forever... So what is this squabble all about? Life is simply too short to feel bigger or better than anybody.. "We're all naked at our death.. Nothing can save us from it" said Steve Jobs."...I hate to see people who brag about their wealth, beauty, intelligence, level of education, fame and material possessions.. There's nothing you've achieved in life that others haven't earlier or won't achieve later in life.. Neither can you take any of your material possessions along with you when the day of reckoning arrives.. The office you occupy today was occupied by someone else yesterday and will be occupied by another person tomorrow... You don't know who that person might be.. There's only one thing that is worth bragging about which is "LIVING IN THIS MOMENT AND MAKING THAT A SIMPLY OUT OF THE WORLD EXPERIENCE"... So always be good to your fellow beings, unconditionally... and always make a MAKE AN EFFORT TO CONNECT WITH FRIENDS.. Always remember that the people you trample upon on your way up a ladder will be the same set of people you're likely to pass on your way down.. Please don't be selfish, pass on good things you experience to your friends and those you come across in life.. Maybe you will lighten up someone's burden with your words without even realising it.. If one day you feel like crying, simply pick up the phone and call me.. I don't promise to make you laugh but I can either give you a shoulder to cry on or cry with you.. I do care for the special YOU.. Some day, one of us will not be here and then it'll be too late to say I care... Tears may flow, but I will be long gone. So, tell all your friends no matter how often you talk or how close you are, how much they mean to you.. Let friends know you haven't forgotten them and new friends know you never will..
Sunday, 22 July 2018
Happy morning and here are a few inspiring thoughts to make your day special... We must never forget what an amazing gift our life really is..Our lives are nothing but a cosmic blink..Even our seemingly all-encompassing world is just a tiny blue dot circling an average sized star spiraling around a galaxy of 200-400 billion stars, which itself is just one galaxy among billions more.. Yet for one brief moment, we get to experience the wonders of existence, of consciousness...Having a positive outlook on life is a crucial part of finding the inspiration we all are blessed with and which lives and exists within us.. Did you feel inspired reading about the vastness of our Universe and our unique place within it, or did you feel overwhelmed and depressed at the insignificance of it all?.. Our brains are hardwired to find things that we are looking for – if you’re always cynical or waiting for things to go wrong, then your life will reflect that.. On the other hand, having a positive outlook on life will bring you unlimited joy and provide you with the inspiration you need.. Of course, there are times when it’s difficult to feel cheery or positive – for life can also pose difficult phases to test your resolve and make you stronger.. If you’re having trouble seeing the cup as either full or atleast half full instead of half empty, focusing on all the positive aspects about your life, what has gone right and what you are blessed with, can certainly help you snap out of your feeling pitiful about yourself.. Learn to bring out the inspirational energy which already exists within you to help you see the amazing beauty and the wealth of opportunities that life offers you.. To those worried that they are without a job today use the power of the talents that lie dormant within you, to bring out what you have hidden from the world.. To those not feeling contented with what you have, go out on an adventure trip or a spiritual journey to experience yourself and get a sense of what you really aspire to be or to do.. To those feeling unloved or expecting that others will love you and unconditionally; please remember that the only person who can love you unconditionally, is YOU, YOURSELF..No one else..So generate that love within you.. Bring the threshold of your self love to the point where you do not crave it from someone else..Share this self love with those you care for and do it unconditionally.. Have Zero expectations of what others should do for you.. This will certainly be liberating since thereafter, you will realise how starved for love the Universe is and how much your love means to others.. You will soon experience the fruits of your labour as the world around you begins to radiate love back to you.. I never said that all this would be easy.. It takes enormous mental strength.. But believe me, YOU have this ability within you and I am sure that you will experience success in all the positive endeavours you set your sights upon.. Enjoy your beautiful day and week ahead with a smile on your lips - a reflection of the unconditional love you radiate from your heart
Saturday, 21 July 2018
Positive energy for your week ahead.. In ancient texts, karma is written as karma-vipaka.. Karma Vipaka means “action and result,” or cause and effect. This is a psychological description of how our experiences unfold every day. A good way to begin to understand karma is by observing our habit patterns.. When we look at habit and conditioning, we can sense how our brain and consciousness create repeated patterns.. If we practice tennis regularly, we will anticipate our next shot as soon as the ball leaves the other player’s racquet.. If we practice being always positive, the positive energy will rejuvenate everything we do.. These patterns are like a rewritable CD.. When they are burned repeatedly, the pattern becomes a regular response.. Modern neuroscience has demonstrated convincingly that repeated patterns of positive thoughts and actions actually changes our nervous system.. Each time we focus our attention and follow our intentions, our nerves fire, synapses connect, and those neural patterns are strengthened.. The neurons literally grow along that direction.. This karmic process of conditioning is akin to planting seeds in our consciousness.. The seeds we plant contain the potential to grow when conditions support them.. The seed of a magnolia or a redwood tree contains the whole life pattern of the plant, which will respond when suitable conditions of water, earth, and sunlight arise.. A Chinese Buddhist text describes these seeds: “From intention springs the deed, from the deed springs habits.. From habits grows your character, from character develops destiny.. What we practice becomes our habit.. May your practices infuse positive energy and happiness in your life always...
PLEASE LOVE YOURSELF UNCONDITIONALLY... These are some views on why it is important for each one of us to learn to love ourselves unconditionally.... When I penned my thoughts on this topic earlier many questioned me whether this love for oneself wouldn't be considered narcisstic ?....My simple answer is NO... Self love is intended to teach you to love yourself, deeply, just the way you are.... Remember, no one is perfect in this world and irrespective of our flaws, we must love ourselves...The question that comes up often is - Why is it so difficult to love ourselves?.... Many people have asked me similar questions, like, even though we understand the importance of self love, why is it so hard to implement it? How do I implement it...and so on.....Like you, I too found it difficult to put self love into practice, even though the biggest lesson I learned from the tragedies of life is the importance of loving oneself unconditionally. In fact, learning to love and accept myself unconditionally is what healed me and brought me back from the brink of what I thought was an inconceivable event in life... I often harp on this aspect - Love yourself so intensely and without any questions, as if your entire life depends on it, because it really does....!!!!!.. It’s one thing to know the importance of loving oneself in theory, but it's quite another thing to effectively put self-love into practice —and the reason I am highlighting this is because most of us come from cultures and societies that do not promote, or even support, self-love, and we often feel judged if we love ourselves, value ourselves, or put ourselves first... It almost feels as though we live in an upside-down world where we are taught the exact opposite of what would actually help us in life.. I believe that this is the main reason why so many of us are struggling through life—we are conditioned to believe that loving ourself is selfish—which is the complete opposite of what would really help us! And when we inadvertently stumble upon the truth of how to live our lives joyfully—which is, to love ourselves unconditionally—we are judged for practicing it!... In order to dispel the belief that it’s selfish to love ourselves, let’s just look at its opposite: what does it look like if we don’t love or value ourselves? We feel unworthy, undeserving, and unlovable, and the person we become is one who is needy for love from others...Is being needy an attractive trait.. ABSOLUTELY NOT.. Simply try it and see people running away from you.. Can we ever have someone who will love us unconditionally, without conditions, more so if you are needy.. I am yet to come across someone like that, but if you have, my blessings that your love remain eternal.. Practically, however, everything in life is transitionary and there may come a day when you may be heart broken - with a void that we believe needs to be filled by others because we believe that it’s selfish to fill it ourselves.. This is the person I used to be.. I was needy—and a people pleaser, because I needed the validation of others in order to feel worthy.. I used to give and give of myself, without any thought of fulfilling my own needs, until I became so physically drained.. Please remember neediness is actually very unattractive..The cancer of thoughts that I experienced when I lost a person I thought would be forever, gave me “permission” to validate myself and take care of myself.. It gave me permission to say “no” to others, and put myself first.. It was only when I was in the coma of an emotional disaster, at the brink of screwing my life for the love of another person did I realize that I don’t need anyone's permission to love myself and take care of myself! It was at that point that I realized that I am worthy and deserving, and amazing and magnificent just because I exist. This is the realization that saved me and transformed me into the person I am today.. I then made a commitment to myself that I would never forsake myself, or let myself down ever again. I would always be my own best friend.. I’ve also noticed that when we love ourselves, we grow stronger and more confident.. We don’t need the approval of others in order to be who we are.. Instead, we are able to bring our fully-realized, joyful self out into the world—someone who others want to be around with - instead of a self that is needy, with a hole that needs to be filled from the outside.. One of the reasons I share my story and what I learned from my experience is because I don’t want others to have to go through what I did, to realize that much of what we are conditioned to believe is the opposite of what truly serves us.. But whichever way, I believe that when you begin to love yourself you will experience your own UNIQUE AMAZING SELF filled with true love and positive energy, that you will realize how special you are.. It is this positive energy which I request you to spread into the world around you, to make this beautiful Universe a far better place to live
Longish thought for this day... Life - yes YOUR LIFE is indeed a fabulous Gift.. If you haven't thought so please consider it seriously... Obviously all of us feel great when our life is filled with acceptance, love, joy, good health and creativity.. But let me share this cardinal truth... This is exactly how our lives are ALWAYS meant to be lived.. The Universe is a generous, abundant giver, but it sometimes helps to be appreciated.. Think about how each one of us would feel when you give a friend a present and instead of thanking you, the person looks at it and says, Oh, it's not my size, or I already have this color, or is that all there is.. I'm sure you will in the future think twice, whenever you have to give that person a present again.. However, if the person is delighted, is pleased and thankful, then every time you see something you think he or she would like, you would want to gift it to her.. The essence of this example is that - Gratitude really brings you more to be grateful about.. It increases the abundance in our life.. Lack of gratitude or complaining brings little to rejoice about.. Complainers always find that they have little good in their life, or they don't enjoy what they do have.. The Universe always gives us what we believe we deserve.. For quite a while now, I've been accepting every situation I am in, every compliment and every present with : I accept with joy, pleasure and gratitude the beauty of this moment.. I've learned that the Universe loves this expression, and I constantly get the most wonderful experiences, which I consider as beautiful presents !!!! Let us all reaffirm as a habit, irrespective of anything that is happening in your life that : I am a willing receiver of all the good the Universe has gifted me so far and wants to bring into my life.. Experience the Goodness that is already within YOU now.. Happiness, security, and joy are inner states.. YOUR INNER STATE.. They are for free ; money cannot purchase them.. Worrying will not create them.. Worry is merely a habit - and a negative, unpleasant habit at that.. Worry will never change anything, nor will it bring you those things that you really need and desire.. And money will not bring you happiness.. I have come across many extremely wealthy people in my life and many of them tend to lead miserable, unhappy and unfortunately unhealthy lives.. What you do with money you already have creates its value.. We worry about success and failure, yet we cannot really define these concepts.. Is a poor person who is happy and who has wonderful, loving relationships a failure.? Is a rich person who has terrible relationships and no love in his life a success? Our cultures have defined success and failure for us, and these preset definitions to my mind are incomplete or not entirely true.. So what is the point in worrying about success? We worry too much about what other people think of us, about their opinions, judgments, and criticisms.. Yet their opinions are based on the same cultural values as those measuring money and defining success.. Worrying can also never effect positive change or growth.. It will not change the future.. Planning for the future is useful, but worrying is not.. This is a useless habit, a conditioned response we have acquired from our parents, our teachers, and our communities.. Intellectually we all know this, but old habits are difficult to break.. If we could only stop worrying so much, how much happier we would all be !! We would experience much less stress in our lives.. The irony is that, when observed from a more detached perspective, this type of stress is an illusion.. It is not real.. We create it ourselves.. And we all know this.. Events or perceptions that have the capacity to induce stress in us are subjective and relative.. An occurrence that traumatizes you may not affect me at all, or vice versa.. An event that caused you considerable stress last year may hardly register this year, because your attitude or perspective may have changed in that period of time.. You may even enjoy the experience this time around or perceive it as an exciting challenge rather than a threat, trauma, or as a stressor.. It is quite simply dependent on the eye of the beholder.. Our free will determines our reaction to these events.. The choice is ours to make: stress or confidence, fear or love, anxiety or inner peace.. So do not allow perceived negative thoughts to run your life.. Conquer your fears and allow real uplifting energy to pervade through you always and experience the difference it makes in your life.. Have a fantastic and inspiring weekend ahead
Thursday, 19 July 2018
Happiness is wished for you this beautifully divine day.....The ancient Indian scriptures recognises that man (or woman) is but an inseparable constituent of, and identical with, the larger and higher Self which is Omnipotent (which implies that you are blessed with unlimited power) Omnipresent and Omniscient (which means all knowing)... Only the realisation of this great strength is lacking in ordinary human beings....The truth is that limitless energy, intelligence and strength lies dormant in every human being, ready to be awakened.. This dormant energy is likened to a serpent lying coiled at the base of the spine, with its head turned downwards.. The awakening of this radiant energy is not rocket science.... The first step is THAT YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IS THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE and that YOU HAVE ALL THE ABILITY TO CREATE A FABULOUS LIFE OF YOUR OWN.... To those who still disbelieve this statement, a small suggestion.. Every morning when you wake up stand in front of a mirror, look at yourself in the eye and REPEAT - I AM BEAUTIFUL / HEALTHY / SMART / INTELLIGENT or whatever else you think you don't possess at that point in time... repeat the statement at least a thousand times every day.... Repeat this exercise whenever you feel low..To those who don't have privacy in your homes or at work.. you can even explore the privacy of your bathroom.. I used to do it myself, when I ran through a rough patch.. Tell me if it does not make a difference to your state of mental health after two weeks of sincere effort..You can also uplift yourself through regular practice of yoga, especially the deep breathing exercises, which requires you to focus and direct your thoughts towards your breath.. When you inhale oxygen imagine that you are breathing in the most pristinely clean air and perfect thoughts that you ever want to experience, and when you exhale, imagine that it is removing all your anger towards people who have hurt you or jealousy towards the achievement of others or whatever negativity you think is resident in you.. Such focus helps confer on the practitioner of yoga immense mental and spiritual strength, so that eventually nothing remains impossible for him or her to achieve.. but my suggestion would be to start this practice of yoga under an experienced guru and also form a group of like-minded friends, for practicing yoga alone, calls for a greater degree of real single minded devotion.. So the bottom line of my thoughts for today is that, YOU ARE BLESSED WITH DIVINE GREATNESS AND CAN ACHIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SET OUT TO DO, IF YOU SIMPLY BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR ABILITY TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD AROUND YOU.. My humble after thought is that all your actions must spread unconditional love, help conquer jealousy and greed and fill your Universe with the fragrance of goodness always
Tuesday, 17 July 2018
To all the beautiful Divas who read this post... When you think of the word DIVA, what do you think or visualize of a Diva? ...Do you think of someone who is overconfident, conceited and thinks it's all about her ? Or do you think of someone who has her head on her shoulders, oozes elegance, remains humble and down to earth, knows what she wants out of life, is always happy and full of life and will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.. Obviously I think it will be the latter option..THE PRINCIPLE of being a DIVA revolves simply on how your value yourself, how you play to your inner strengths and build the spiritual aspect of being a diva into your every day life.. My thesis is that every woman is a diva.. It's just a matter of getting in touch with your own special inner self to bring the diva in you to be visible.. You need to learn to get your heart, act and life together by taking divas from stories you have come across, evolve the lessons their life tells you, into modern day principles that are easy to apply to everyday lives.. It is very important to emphasise your strengths and gloss over weaknesses.. Focus only on positive affirmations; Do not seek to control or manipulate the life of others or cause others to be dependent on you.. Inspiring, motivating and spiritually uplifting and striving to be the best you can be in just your every day life, is the essential key to every woman's happiness.. Live your life according to your own conscience and undoubtedly your life will be filled with joy and happiness.. If you have never thought of yourself as a diva, let me assure you, that all you need to do is to look at yourself in a mirror or within you and you will find the beautiful diva always resident in you.....
The Boss was retiring... Everyone had tears in their eyes on the day of his farewell. One of the employees said,
“Sir, there is one thing we want to learn from you... You worked here for so many years. Leave aside about scolding your subordinates, we have never seen you even raising your voice at them.. We have scolded our subordinates on pressure of work or for other reasons.
We want to know about the seed of your patience.”
The Boss said, “This all comes from the incident of my childhood.. My father was working as a lower level employee in an office... He was a very nice person.. He was respected very much in our family..It happened one day, I was studying in the 4th standard.. I had gone to the office of my father for some reason. I saw that my father was not on his seat.. I waited outside..After some time, the door of the Boss opened, my father came out of the door... I saw the fair face of my father had turned red..
He went straight to a corner and stood there looking outside through a window.. He had not seen me..I went to him and called him slowly..He was taken by surprise and turned back to look at me.. I saw a stream of tears flowing down his eyes.. He was slightly disturbed seeing me..He did not find time to wipe out his tears.. Can my father cry anytime? He was the strongest man in the world for me.. It was out of my wildest imagination that someone could hurt him.. I ran straight to the room of the Boss.. Father was calling me from behind. But,
listening to nothing, I went inside and asked the Boss, “Why did you make my father cry?”.. The Boss was also surprised.. Thereafter, my father tried to make me understand.. But,that day I had decided to take revenge on the Boss.. From that day I decided that I will study well and become a Boss one day,
but I will not make my subordinates cry anytime.. Because, they are not only the employees of my office, they are also respected and dear father or brother or somebody of their families and belong to someone important... People say it is not possible to control others without scolding them...I say, what is love then for?”.. People who come to work are the ones who devote their best and quality time of the day to work, leaving not much time for their families. They do deserve a better treatment from their surroundings..Ships don't sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don't let what's happening around you and your circumstances get inside you in your mind and weigh you down.. Make your life such where peace becomes your priority and no negativity can exist in your life... Just because you're angry that doesn't give you any right to be cruel... Anger on the other hand doesn't solve anything, it builds nothing, but it can destroy everything...Neurologists claim that every time you resist acting on your anger, you're actually rewiring your brain to be calmer and more loving.. The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people... the more peaceful your life becomes.. Explain your anger instead of expressing it, and you will find solutions instead of arguments...
The Boss was retiring... Everyone had tears in their eyes on the day of his farewell. One of the employees said,
“Sir, there is one thing we want to learn from you... You worked here for so many years. Leave aside about scolding your subordinates, we have never seen you even raising your voice at them.. We have scolded our subordinates on pressure of work or for other reasons.
We want to know about the seed of your patience.”
The Boss said, “This all comes from the incident of my childhood.. My father was working as a lower level employee in an office... He was a very nice person.. He was respected very much in our family..It happened one day, I was studying in the 4th standard.. I had gone to the office of my father for some reason. I saw that my father was not on his seat.. I waited outside..After some time, the door of the Boss opened, my father came out of the door... I saw the fair face of my father had turned red..
He went straight to a corner and stood there looking outside through a window.. He had not seen me..I went to him and called him slowly..He was taken by surprise and turned back to look at me.. I saw a stream of tears flowing down his eyes.. He was slightly disturbed seeing me..He did not find time to wipe out his tears.. Can my father cry anytime? He was the strongest man in the world for me.. It was out of my wildest imagination that someone could hurt him.. I ran straight to the room of the Boss.. Father was calling me from behind. But,
listening to nothing, I went inside and asked the Boss, “Why did you make my father cry?”.. The Boss was also surprised.. Thereafter, my father tried to make me understand.. But,that day I had decided to take revenge on the Boss.. From that day I decided that I will study well and become a Boss one day,
but I will not make my subordinates cry anytime.. Because, they are not only the employees of my office, they are also respected and dear father or brother or somebody of their families and belong to someone important... People say it is not possible to control others without scolding them...I say, what is love then for?”.. People who come to work are the ones who devote their best and quality time of the day to work, leaving not much time for their families. They do deserve a better treatment from their surroundings..Ships don't sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don't let what's happening around you and your circumstances get inside you in your mind and weigh you down.. Make your life such where peace becomes your priority and no negativity can exist in your life... Just because you're angry that doesn't give you any right to be cruel... Anger on the other hand doesn't solve anything, it builds nothing, but it can destroy everything...Neurologists claim that every time you resist acting on your anger, you're actually rewiring your brain to be calmer and more loving.. The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people... the more peaceful your life becomes.. Explain your anger instead of expressing it, and you will find solutions instead of arguments...
Monday, 16 July 2018
There can be no prayer without Love ! It happened that one of the great devotees of India, Ramanuja, was passing through a town.. A man attired in robes generally worn by sages and priests visited Ramanuja.. He considered himself an ascetic, the type that ordinarily is attracted towards religion.. Ramanuja while speaking to his followers revealed that love is the basic energy of life and existence.. Nobody can succeed against love.. The ascetic looking man asked Ramanuja that "I would like to be initiated by you. How I can find God? I would like to be accepted as your disciple.. Ramanuja looked at the man and realised that the man in front of him was against the concept of love.. A man who cannot appreciate love is like a dead rock, completely dried, with no heart.. Ramanuja asked the man, "First tell me a few things: have you ever loved anybody?".. The man was shocked by hearing a person like Ramanuja talking about love? - such ordinary worldly things? He said, "What are you saying? I am a religious man.. I have never loved anybody".. Ramanuja persisted.. He said, "You just close your eyes and think a little.. You may have loved, even if you are against love as a feeling.. You may not have loved in reality, but in your imagination.."The man said, "I am absolutely against love, because love is the whole pattern of maya and illusion, and I want to get out of this world, and love is the cause people cannot get out of it.. No, not even in my imagination have I loved!".. Ramanuja persisted.. He said, "Just look within yourself.. Sometimes in your dreams a love object may have appeared".. The man said, "That's why I don't sleep much !But I am not here to be taught love, I am here to be taught prayer.." Ramanuja became sad, and he said, "I cannot help you, because a man who has not known love, how can he appreciate prayer?".. Because prayer is the most refined form of love, the essential love - as if the body has disappeared, only the spirit of love has remained; as if the lamp is no more there, just the flame; as if the flower has disappeared into the earth, but the fragrance is lingering in the air - that is prayer.. Sex is the body of love, love is the spirit; Similarly, love is the body of prayer, prayer is the spirit.. You can draw concentric circles: first circle sex, second circle love, and the third circle, which is the center, is prayer... !!
Leo Buscaglia, Ph. D., who has written 13 books, most of which deal with the experience of love has this to say... I was one of those fortunate individuals who grew up in a large, passionate, demonstrative Italian family where we were taught to love as naturally as we breathed and ate giant bowls of pasta! It was amazing to me that there were those around who had not been quite so fortunate. I could not help but wonder, "Is all lost for them?"..Of course, in my search for this answer, I discovered that since love is a learned phenomenon, it is never too late to learn to love... I therefore started my Love Class as a result of the suicide of one of my most talented students... She showed no sign of her despair.. Then one day she simply took her life.. I had to ask, "What's the good of all our learning, knowing how to read and write and to spell, if no one ever teaches us the value of life, of our uniqueness, and personal dignity?"..So I started my Love Class.. I taught it free of salary and tuition, just so that students could have a forum to consider the truly essential things... I just facilitated, helping students to discover their own magic... So many of the teachings, books, and songs tell us the same thing that love is the answer.. In the final analysis, love is the only thing that really matters... It is the only thing we take with us when we leave. But we all unfortunately take love for granted.. We assume that we are all perfect lovers and all we need do is wait and our love will grow and blossom as readily as a flower in spring.. Not so.. Love doesn't grow unless we do.. It takes patience, knowledge, experience, determination, and every positive trait we possess... In addition, love is always changing and unless we stay aware and change with it, it eludes us.. We are all born with God-given, unique traits and skills.. But, as with all possibilities they will remain unrealized unless they are developed, nurtured, and put into practice.. You may have the "capacity" to love, but if left undeveloped, you will never gain the "ability.".. A life of love is one of continual growth, where the doors and windows of experience are always open to the wonder and magic that life offers.. To love is to risk living fully.. My love has never had a condition, except that if ever my love keeps you from you, from your growing and realizing your own personal potential then I must step aside.. No one has the right to stand in the way of another's joy, development, or uniqueness.. We live in a small and networked world.. Not a leaf falls that does not effect a myriad of things.. When we reach out to someone in love and the effect is made - everyone, everything which comes in contact with the person we've affected is better for it.. Of course, the converse is true, too...The essence of love is getting out of oneself and into others.. When we care less about our own feelings, our rights, our happiness, our security, etc., and begin to concern ourselves with the feelings, rights, happiness and security of others, we will truly have found the true power of love.. Some simple every day things we could do to bring more love into our lives includes asking ourselves daily what we have done to make the world a better place, to make someone smile, to help someone to feel more secure, etc. It's the simple things which have the greatest effect.. We must never underestimate the strength of a smile or act of kindness.. We create healthy, loving relationships by caring enough to work on them as diligently as we would, if we wanted to perfect a game of golf or tennis or become a gourmet chef.. These things don't just happen.. They require continuous work..Yes, we are born for love but love will die if we do not nurture love constantly.. I am inspired by other people...You can't imagine the joy I feel when I hear that something I've said or done or written has helped others to regain their sense of dignity, to motivate them to develop their unique potential, to encourage them to reach out to others in distress and make them realize that true love emerges from within.. I have learned that love is the most powerful force available to us.. When we have real love we have the strength to perform miracles.. I'd like to be remembered for being a good, kind, loving, gentleman who attempted to live wisely and who cared a lot..I'm living more fully than ever and am discovering new magic every day because of love.. I have never felt so alive!.. I hope this message inspires you to experience greater happiness within you, in life and enjoy every second of your fantastic life.
Always remember that YOU are BEAUTIFUL, YOU are WORTHY, YOU are IMPORTANT, YOU are SPECIAL, YOU are TALENTED and that YOU are UNIQUE... There can never be anyone as spectacular as YOU... So be patient with yourself and you will know what it feels like to be patient with others... Be compassionate with yourself and you will know what it feels like to have compassion for others... Be forgiving of yourself and you will know what it feels like to forgive others and be forgiven by others... Be accepting of yourself and you will know what it feels like to accept others.. Love even those whom you consider as unlovable and forgive those who you feel have hurt you and consider as unforgivable...Remember that carrying negative feelings for anyone ONLY HURTS YOU... It's akin to acid burning you from within.. You will never realize it till you actually try it and experience it.. Try forgiveness of yourself as well as others... It will simply unburden you of all the issues you have beaten yourself with, all these years... You will indeed experience freedom if you care to try... Love is caring and affection expressed as positive behavior.. To love others you must give the positive behaviors of love to yourself, so that you feel what it means to love.... It is easier to love people who live far away.. It is not always easy to love those close to us and it is even more difficult to love one's own self..But please try.. A happy person is happy not because everything is perfect in his or her life.. A happy person is happy because he or she adopts a happy and positive attitude to everyone and everything in their life... Forget the things that have hurt you or made you sad... Remember those events that made you glad... Forget the troubles that passed away and remember all the blessings that come your way, each day... It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone who feels unloved in your own home.. Bring unconditional love into your home, for this is where our love for each other must start.. Happy day to you in experiencing real freedom...
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