Positive energy for your week ahead.. In ancient texts, karma is written as karma-vipaka.. Karma Vipaka means “action and result,” or cause and effect. This is a psychological description of how our experiences unfold every day. A good way to begin to understand karma is by observing our habit patterns.. When we look at habit and conditioning, we can sense how our brain and consciousness create repeated patterns.. If we practice tennis regularly, we will anticipate our next shot as soon as the ball leaves the other player’s racquet.. If we practice being always positive, the positive energy will rejuvenate everything we do.. These patterns are like a rewritable CD.. When they are burned repeatedly, the pattern becomes a regular response.. Modern neuroscience has demonstrated convincingly that repeated patterns of positive thoughts and actions actually changes our nervous system.. Each time we focus our attention and follow our intentions, our nerves fire, synapses connect, and those neural patterns are strengthened.. The neurons literally grow along that direction.. This karmic process of conditioning is akin to planting seeds in our consciousness.. The seeds we plant contain the potential to grow when conditions support them.. The seed of a magnolia or a redwood tree contains the whole life pattern of the plant, which will respond when suitable conditions of water, earth, and sunlight arise.. A Chinese Buddhist text describes these seeds: “From intention springs the deed, from the deed springs habits.. From habits grows your character, from character develops destiny.. What we practice becomes our habit.. May your practices infuse positive energy and happiness in your life always...
My day has become so happy and vibrant reading all this posts. A bigggggggg thank you Sir!