Happy morning and here are a few inspiring thoughts to make your day special... We must never forget what an amazing gift our life really is..Our lives are nothing but a cosmic blink..Even our seemingly all-encompassing world is just a tiny blue dot circling an average sized star spiraling around a galaxy of 200-400 billion stars, which itself is just one galaxy among billions more.. Yet for one brief moment, we get to experience the wonders of existence, of consciousness...Having a positive outlook on life is a crucial part of finding the inspiration we all are blessed with and which lives and exists within us.. Did you feel inspired reading about the vastness of our Universe and our unique place within it, or did you feel overwhelmed and depressed at the insignificance of it all?.. Our brains are hardwired to find things that we are looking for – if you’re always cynical or waiting for things to go wrong, then your life will reflect that.. On the other hand, having a positive outlook on life will bring you unlimited joy and provide you with the inspiration you need.. Of course, there are times when it’s difficult to feel cheery or positive – for life can also pose difficult phases to test your resolve and make you stronger.. If you’re having trouble seeing the cup as either full or atleast half full instead of half empty, focusing on all the positive aspects about your life, what has gone right and what you are blessed with, can certainly help you snap out of your feeling pitiful about yourself.. Learn to bring out the inspirational energy which already exists within you to help you see the amazing beauty and the wealth of opportunities that life offers you.. To those worried that they are without a job today use the power of the talents that lie dormant within you, to bring out what you have hidden from the world.. To those not feeling contented with what you have, go out on an adventure trip or a spiritual journey to experience yourself and get a sense of what you really aspire to be or to do.. To those feeling unloved or expecting that others will love you and unconditionally; please remember that the only person who can love you unconditionally, is YOU, YOURSELF..No one else..So generate that love within you.. Bring the threshold of your self love to the point where you do not crave it from someone else..Share this self love with those you care for and do it unconditionally.. Have Zero expectations of what others should do for you.. This will certainly be liberating since thereafter, you will realise how starved for love the Universe is and how much your love means to others.. You will soon experience the fruits of your labour as the world around you begins to radiate love back to you.. I never said that all this would be easy.. It takes enormous mental strength.. But believe me, YOU have this ability within you and I am sure that you will experience success in all the positive endeavours you set your sights upon.. Enjoy your beautiful day and week ahead with a smile on your lips - a reflection of the unconditional love you radiate from your heart
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