Saturday, 21 July 2018


Longish thought for this day... Life - yes YOUR LIFE is indeed a fabulous Gift.. If you haven't thought so please consider it seriously... Obviously all of us feel great when our life is filled with acceptance, love, joy, good health and creativity.. But let me share this cardinal truth... This is exactly how our lives are ALWAYS meant to be lived.. The Universe is a generous, abundant giver, but it sometimes helps to be appreciated.. Think about how each one of us would feel when you give a friend a present and instead of thanking you, the person looks at it and says, Oh, it's not my size, or I already have this color, or is that all there is.. I'm sure you will in the future think twice, whenever you have to give that person a present again.. However, if the person is delighted,  is pleased and thankful, then every time you see something you think he or she would like, you would want to gift it to her.. The essence of this example is that - Gratitude really brings you more to be grateful about.. It increases the abundance in our life.. Lack of gratitude or complaining brings little to rejoice about.. Complainers always find that they have little good in their life, or they don't enjoy what they do have.. The Universe always gives us what we believe we deserve.. For quite a while now, I've been accepting every situation I am in, every compliment and every present with : I accept with joy, pleasure and gratitude the beauty of this moment.. I've learned that the Universe loves this expression, and I constantly get the most wonderful experiences, which I consider as beautiful presents !!!!  Let us all reaffirm as a habit, irrespective of anything that is happening in your life that : I am a willing receiver of all the good the Universe has gifted me so far and wants to bring into my life.. Experience the Goodness that is already within YOU now.. Happiness, security, and joy are inner states.. YOUR INNER STATE.. They are for free ; money cannot purchase them.. Worrying will not create them.. Worry is merely a habit - and a negative, unpleasant habit at that.. Worry will never change anything, nor will it bring you those things that you really need and desire.. And money will not bring you happiness.. I have come across many extremely wealthy people in my life and many of them tend to lead miserable, unhappy and unfortunately unhealthy lives.. What you do with money you already have creates its value.. We worry about success and failure, yet we cannot really define these concepts.. Is a poor person who is happy and who has wonderful, loving relationships a failure.?  Is a rich person who has terrible relationships and no love in his life a success? Our cultures have defined success and failure for us, and these preset definitions to my mind are incomplete or not entirely true.. So what is the point in worrying about success? We worry too much about what other people think of us, about their opinions, judgments, and criticisms.. Yet their opinions are based on the same cultural values as those measuring money and defining success.. Worrying can also never effect positive change or growth.. It will not change the future.. Planning for the future is useful, but worrying is not.. This is a useless habit, a conditioned response we have acquired from our parents, our teachers, and our communities.. Intellectually we all know this, but old habits are difficult to break.. If we could only stop worrying so much, how much happier we would all be !! We would experience much less stress in our lives.. The irony is that, when observed from a more detached perspective, this type of stress is an illusion.. It is not real.. We create it ourselves.. And we all know this.. Events or perceptions that have the capacity to induce stress in us are subjective and relative.. An occurrence that traumatizes you may not affect me at all, or vice versa.. An event that caused you considerable stress last year may hardly register this year, because your attitude or perspective may have changed in that period of time.. You may even enjoy the experience this time around or perceive it as an exciting challenge rather than a threat, trauma, or as a stressor.. It is quite simply dependent on the eye of the beholder.. Our free will determines our reaction to these events..  The choice is ours to make: stress or confidence, fear or love, anxiety or inner peace.. So do not allow perceived negative thoughts to run your life.. Conquer your fears and allow real uplifting energy to pervade through you always and experience the difference it makes in your life.. Have a fantastic and inspiring weekend ahead

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