Saturday, 28 July 2018


Thoughts for the weekend... Each  one of us experience negative situations in our life... Are we going to allow these negative situations to rule us.. Negativity emerges from behaviour you see in others, the words they say and actions you do yourself.. The key thing about negative vibes, unfortunately is that they have a habit of travelling around rapidly.. If you’re feeling negative, then when you come into contact with other people, your negativity will pass  onto them.. It's a subconscious process.. Likewise, when people around you are harbouring ill will, it can potentially affect you and others.. If you’re finding yourself always being negative or seeing negativity in others, my sincere advice is that YOU have to take immediate action.. Please never allow other’s negativity to spread to you.. If you find other people in your daily environment are bringing down your energy levels, make a conscious decision to not allow them to change the way you’re feeling.. Sometimes this can be difficult, especially if you’re constantly in contact with a person who is negative.. However, you can still choose not to allow that person’s emotions to project onto you.. One way I have found successful is that I imagine myself in a really nurturing and beautiful environment every time I am in the presence of such a negative person.. Taking a piece of your favourite chocolate and savouring its sweet taste either before or after your interaction is yet another way to enhance your own positive energies.. The key to all your positive energy is YOU.. So say a big “no” to allowing the vibes of anyone else attempting to enter into your personal space.. This is the first step to your happiness... Encourage positive action in your life.. This could involve working on your confidence, exercising regularly to keep your blood circulation going, helping other people improve their lives and abilities, reading inspirational books and news stories, and having cheerful and positive interactions with others.. Simply keep your mind and thoughts away from negativity associated with a person or events.. Wherever possible, stay away from negativity altogether.. This could involve keeping away from people whom you feel focus only on the negative, refraining from watching certain types of TV programs (especially soaps which revel in spreading negative family situations).. Life cannot always be a bed of roses.. It is healthy to live and enjoy the roller coaster that life throws at you.. Facing problems is inevitable in life.. A particular problem might be in your personal or professional setting.. However, rather than dwelling on the problem for too long, which can lead to you feeling negative, focus instead on answers and solutions.. Your own attitude dictates whether you are happy.. If you are unhappy with your life, and the environment you live in, change your attitude to the way you see the world.. Focus on all the good things that has happened in your life.. Even if you have just one positive thing going for you in your life, focus on it.. Make it a habit to look only for the positives in others.. Expand the horizon of your thinking.. If you find yourself constantly focusing on the negative aspects of your life.. Write down the moments when you allowed your thoughts to move away from positive and enriching thoughts.. You will initially be surprised how soon the pages of your scrapbook fills up.. But that is the start point.. It teaches you that you are the one who controls your thoughts.. It gives you ideas that it is good to think beyond your problems that are taking up your attention.. Make it your personal habit to smile or think of some funny joke even when burdened by worries.. Even if you cannot think of something funny in order to smile, you can engineer good feelings inside you by just smiling !!!! If you don’t smile often, then get into the habit of doing so.. Give a broad smile when you see and greet people.. Not only will you feel cheerful, but your positive vibes will transmit to others too.. Although there is a lot you can do to ensure you have lots of more positive experiences, there will inevitably be difficult times which drains you.. Challenges like these should be treated as opportunities which help to ground you and the experiences you gain makes you savour your strengths and positives even more.. Just become more dissociated from any negativity that might emerge through the unpleasant experiences.. My friends, it’s all over to you.. To your inherently positive and creative life my best wishes and love

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