Sunday 9 December 2018


Positive thoughts for the weekend.. Gandhiji had said that one should carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words.. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions.. Consider and judge your actions, for they become your habits.. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values.. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny... Whatever the mind can conceive and believe in, can actually come true.. When we think inspirational thoughts we will certainly experience positive results in our life.. There are many inspirational thoughts that can cause us to reflect deeply and they can actually change the way we live our life.. Our thkughts have tremendous and unlimited potential to, directly or indirectly, make us feel empowered, uplifted and hopeful.. If you really appreciated how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought..  So never permit negative thoughts to enter your mind, for they are like weeds that strangle confidence.. Abundance begins with your mind-set.. If you allow less than intensely beautiful thoughts, that lack will be reflected in the way your life pans out.. The world as we have created it, is a process of our thinking.. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.. A simple thought -seemingly trivial or even unimportant - carries within it the power to move mountains.. So try to enjoy thinking positively under all circumstances for every positive thought enriches and makes your life even more beautiful

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