Sunday 25 November 2018


Positive thoughts for the day.. My personal opinion is that a happy life is not about luck.. It is about energy, our own personal energy, our ability to attract into our life that which we manifest, that which we deserve and feel worthy of.. Our thoughts are the start point to herald in more positive energy and happiness into our life.. Our thoughts will get better and everything will change automatically, if we learn how to feed our thoughts with positive energy.. Unfortunately, most people have learned to do the opposite: they feed their thoughts with negativity all the time.. But, that is something we can change and make better.. I am the owner of my mind and thoughts.. Only I can control my thoughts.. Only I can program my mind to have positive thoughts always.. I can do the opposite too.. If my mind is full of negative thoughts, they bother me all the time.. But I can change them very easily.. The negative thoughts have been there for so many years.. I am used to them.. They come, get amplified and duplicated on their own, because I have allowed them to do that.. So why not generate positive thoughts instead of the negative? Keep in mind that if I pay attention to anything, I make it stronger.. If I pay attention to pains and problems, I make the pain stronger and enable them to control me and my life.. Instead, if I paid more attention to good and pleasant things.. It is more meaningful never to talk about our pains.. Always say that you feel great.. Always say you are very well and will get better every second.. Believe me when I say that you can defeat even the greatest problems and serious illnesses with this outlook.. Just try it.. It is free.. Nobody is going to charge you for the positive thoughts you generate in your mind.. And when you reach this level of mind control, you will realize the phenomenal benefit it brings into your life.. So, replace all your thoughts with positive thoughts and enjoy radiating positive energy..

1 comment:

  1. You are right Suresh!! Spreading your vibes is the only way to live a happy life. If you are happy mentally and emotionally, then only you will be able to live a healthy life. Buy Etizolam RX Online to treat you emotions and keep spreading happiness.
