What are you waiting for? You are never going to get ideal circumstances. There will always be a reason for further delay. Time is the only resource that you cannot make more of. It slips away before you realize and eventually runs out. The longer you take to get started, the longer it is going to take you to produce the results you desire. John F. Kennedy once said, “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.” I totally agree with him on this. Yes, taking action on certain issues may be scary. It can be downright terrifying, but it is a lot less scarier than realizing that you’ve run out of time and the opportunity to get what you want is gone. You might be comfortable waiting, but further delay will likely cost you the whole enchilada. Why not just go for it and see what happens... Pushing the Go Button... What is holding you back? Is it fear of failure? Are you afraid that if you slip out of your nice, warm spot on the couch that you may never be able to get back to it? So what !?!...The place where you are right now is overrated anyway. If it is so great, then why are you thinking about something else? Ha! I got you there didn’t I? Trust me. If you stay stuck in your rut, pretty soon you are going to look back and regret being such a wimp. That’s right, I called you a wimp. What gives me the right to confront you in such a direct manner and call you by such a name? Well, I can call you a wimp because I’ve been one myself many, many times. It takes one to know one isn't it !!!. Because I’ve been there, done perhaps the same stupid mistakes, I want to help you anyway that I can to avoid the regrets I’ve experienced. I want to help you to feel the satisfaction and sense of victory that comes from taking confident action toward your goal. I want to help you to stop waiting for the perfect circumstances because those conditions simply don’t exist. This world is far from perfect. Therefore, the perfect time to act is now... So stop any more waiting around and push the go button. Don’t delay another second. There will never be a better time than the present to start demanding from life what you want out of it... The Fallacy of Waiting....A fallacy is a mistaken belief, a failure in reasoning. If you are waiting for exactly the right time to move forward, then you are waiting for an illusion. You simply cannot time everything perfectly. Even if you think things are perfect, there are usually hidden obstacles that you didn’t anticipate. Therefore, it is better to just move forward without further delay. Let me explain further. The reality is that waiting is the biggest problem you face. It is the chasm that stands between you and your desire. Waiting is far riskier than taking action. I’ve lost why, way, way more opportunities due to waiting than I have because my timing wasn’t perfect. You see when an opportunity is gone. It is gone. That’s it. End of story. You simply cannot go back. Rarely and I mean very rarely does an opportunity knock twice. So, if what you want is at the door, you would be better off by answering it. You’d better swing that puppy wide open and see what’s there before it is too late. Once the chance slips by, it will most likely be gone forever (meaning it won’t come back again)... I hope those who read this post get the point that I am making.. On the other hand, let’s assume you act, but your timing isn’t absolutely perfect. In my experience, this just uncovers what were previously unforeseen obstacles. This is to your advantage because once they are out in the open, you can start to deal with them. Plus, now everyone knows your intentions and that usually works to your favor as well. By acting, you start the ball in motion. You put yourself in the position of power. You begin to make things happen. This is far superior to waiting. People will respect that you took the initiative and were assertive enough to step out of the proverbial comfort zone and take a risk. Just for the record, let me state the obvious here. Taking action greatly increases your chance of success over just waiting and watching yet another opportunity slip away. If you act and your chance of success is 50/50, that’s a lot better than continuing to do nothing where your chances are basically nil. Please don’t continue to believe in the fallacy of waiting. It is definitely the most costly path to pursue. I beg you not to let another opportunity slip by . Regret hurts a lot more than failure and for a lot longer. Push the go button now and get more out of your life....
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