Friday, 23 September 2016


A longish thought for this morning.. Your Inner Transformation : Recharge yourself simply by the power of your own thoughts.... There is a myth that normal human beings use only 10-20% of the processing power of our mind /brain and the remaining is available for enrichment of our lives...While doing a little reading I came across this message - Do not conform yourself to this age, but be transformed by your mind...One would think the statement above is advice by some modern day proponent of personal development....The fact is that this statement is about two thousand years old and comes from the Bible...
To renew your mind means to restore, regenerate, and change the way you think. In fact, the Spanish version of "Renewal of your mind," is translated to read "Change the way you think."... If you think in a negative manner then change the way you think to be more positive instead...If you are pessimistic, then become more optimistic...If you think of doom, then start thinking more of things that make YOU feel more hopeful, happy and healthy YOUR PERSONAL HABIT.... If all your thoughts are filled with problems, then start thinking of solutions...If all you depend on is what you perceive with your physical senses, then begin to depend on your mental (spiritual) senses...Your spiritual senses have no boundaries of time, space or dimension...This means that you can become aware of an endless amount of information that can be applied to solving problems of all kinds, making your life better and better through time..Learning to use your mind in a new and changed way, a way that depends on the mental senses truly allows you to discern between right and wrong, good and bad, problem or solution, good choices and bad choices....This focused positive perspective to life allows you to live the life of your design, a life that you desire, and one that is your birthright to have...I purposely left out the role of God in this explanation...For most people who believe in God, God represents perfection in power, wisdom and goodness and is one with the Universe from where all things come....God (Universe) responds to OUR thoughts, all thoughts, both positive and negative, and so, it is of great importance that the thoughts you have focus on are only thoughts of what you actually want and only that...This discussion is not unique to just one religious doctrine but to all doctrines that aim to guide those who have ears and want to listen and eyes that want to see towards positive, loving transformation...Your personal transformation does have global effects...As we go, so goes the world, for the world is US. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately begins from our personal transformation...
Buddhism teachings mention that if our thoughts and actions lead to a lessening of negative emotions, then it can safely be adopted and practiced, no matter who originally propounded it.. For in creating greater peace, compassion, and happiness around ourselves, we are making the world a better place... We certainly live in an era of great turmoil. If the teachings that are out there, wherever they come from, help in solving problems, resulting in health, happiness, peace, a greater love for one another and overall success, then you can count on them as true and real..They are worth incorporating in our lives....Maybe it's time to transform our mind with this positive ethos of always focusing on the good; our heart and soul will be follow right there with you.

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