Happiness is your prize to lead a fabulous life... after all life often hurts; we become cynical, lacking in self-love and self-confidence... Re-focus...Decide to be grateful for everything in life...I believe we can all LEARN to be happy... You may be asking “isn’t happiness a natural thing; why do we need to learn how to be happy. ..!!! Playing victim is one of the reasons we lose sight of our inner happiness....I learned to be happy through a series of (traumatic) events in my life that changed how I saw myself and the world around me...During this period I learned to love and trust myself, take stock of what I already had and appreciate what others did for me in a way that led to my own inner happiness... Once I decided to learn how, I discovered that with a change in my own mindset, my happiness could be focused on.... Having a mindset of happiness is a decision to look for happiness in every little thing you do or experience.... A mindset of finding ways to be grateful for who you really are, what you already have, and what others do for you. You can learn to find greater happiness in doing things for others, finding pleasure in making others happy... Learn to appreciate other people, nature and, if like me, your faith in God.But whatever your beliefs in faith or science most psychologists would agree that as humans we all need to feel good, in our minds and hearts, about ourselves and the world around us in order to reach our greatest potential...We can all take this journey of transformation, by finding new ways to be grateful every single day...Start making a list every evening of all the things you could or should be grateful for. Write them down, keep a special book to write them in. That way you can remind yourself of all the good things in life, that we often take for granted, or forget...Remember your value to the world.. You can often forget this. You make a difference to your world when you look after: Nature, feelings of People and Animals... When you say a few kind words to another person and you smile or do things for others or show gratitude...You are of value in so many areas of life that the list is endless... When you focus on such things, you learn how to feel good about yourself. You experience an inner happiness. Being happy isn’t about being wealthy, or being famous, it’s about love and value. Feeling happy for others, as well as yourself... Recognising what you can be happy and grateful for...We can all learn to be happy....You just need to decide and learn the mindset of happiness. Do it daily and make it a habit....It’s a wonderful journey that teaches you to experience happiness always....
If you want a healthy life, You need to learn to be happy first. If you manage your emotions properly, then only you will be able to be happy. Buy Etizolam and be happy.