Tuesday, 20 September 2016


A fantastic Good morning to you... Inspiration for your beautiful TODAY... Each one of us has so much achievement to feel proud and happy about... Unfortunately most of us wake up every morning  thinking of things that drain us of our positive energy...You should actually turn your thoughts every morning into a precious ritual of morning inspiration...Make this space of TIME FOR YOURSELF your own personal space...Choose the morning inspiration mantra that you need the most... You don’t have to say morning mantras out loud for them to work; saying them to yourself in your head is just fine... Try out your new mantra every day for a week, and see if your outlook has changed...The first thing you should focus on is being grateful for all the wonderful things that you have been blessed with...Every morning, list things that you are grateful for... It doesn’t matter if they are the same basic things every day; in fact, it’s a good practice to acknowledge the blessings you might take for granted: good health, a safe place to sleep, soft sheets, breakfast, shoes to wear, a job… etc. Name the things you are thankful for, and close off the list with this mantra: I appreciate the abundance in my life...Secondly, you must boost your own self worth...The divine spark of life resident within you reflects that you are really amazing !! Start thinking of ten things that you like about yourself. Big things (I am smart) to small things (my fingernail polish looks pretty) – count up ten reasons why you love yourself, and keep going, if you can. Visualize a bright white light emanating from within your being and repeat this mantra: I am beautiful, exquisite and I love myself....Thirdly, connect with the universe...Start each day acknowledging living beings who surround you and focusing on their innate beauty...Expand your circle of consciousness till you reach the Universe. Repeat this mantra: I bow to the divine spark in you and in me...Fourthly, we all need encouragement at times....Your finest inspiration comes from within YOU.. It’s always nice to have others to support and motivate you, but if you learn to be your biggest source of inspiration, then you’ll never lack encouragement...Repeat this mantra – in fact, chant it until you feel the inspiration course through your arteries... You can do it...Remember your beautiful life is simply YOURS...Do you feel like you are rushing through life not even seeing the roses, much less smelling them?..Use your first morning minutes to get back in touch with your senses, and rejuvenate yourself to slow down in life...Go through each of your five senses. What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you taste?..What do you feel? And finally, open your eyes. What do you see? Take a deep breath...The bottom line is that YOUR LIFE IS EXQUISITELY BEAUTIFUL AND THE SOURCE OF ALL THIS BEAUTY COMES FROM WITHIN YOU....

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